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Smallfinds of all times. The 5th International Symposium on Archaeological Finds and Their Significance 


Between the 23rd and 25th of March three persons from our team participated at the conference about archaeological smallfinds organized in Geoagiu Băi by the Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization from Deva. The place, named in Roman times Germisara is famous because of the Roman thermal bath, which is spectacular, but the whole area offers valuable touristical points.

In the first two days of the symposium were held several presentations about interesting finds from the Neolithic to Medieval times, by researchers from Romania, Bulgaria and France. Some of the researchers singled out rare finds, others chose groups of finds and presented a broad analysis from functional, typological, contextual and geographical point of view. The subjects were very varied, presenting artifacts from all over Europe. On the third day the whole team visited the Dacian fortress from Ardeu, the Roman fort from Cigmău, the XIth century church from Geoagiu, named Rotonda and a fascinating waterfall named Clocota. The symposium was a great experience, which gave researchers the opportunity to tell the “stories” of special finds.


Festivalul 5R Fesztivál



[RO] A cincea ediție a Festivalului Roman de la Călugăreni (comuna Eremitu, jud. Mureș) va avea loc în acest an pe data de 12 august. Cu această ocazie vizitatorii vor avea posibilitatea să participe în cadrul atelierelor interactive care vor fi organizate în curtea Teatrului Șură și în cea a Mănăstirii Franciscane, să viziteze pavilioanele expoziționale TIME BOX, precum și săpăturile arheologice desfășurate atât în clădirea comandamentului din castrul roman (principia), cât și în băile romane. Pe lângă atelierele și activitățile deja consacrate (parada militară, luptele de gladiatori, expoziții tematice, atelier de bucătărie romană, mozaic, opaițe și figurine de teracotă, fierărie, teatru, coafuri, croitorie etc.), festivalul din 2017 va avea drept temă principală educația și copilăria. Vor fi organizate ateliere interactive și activități de pedagogie muzeală, însoțite de panouri explicative, care vor pune accentul pe educație și cotidianul copilăriei: școala romană, atelier de amulete romane, atelier de jocuri romane, concurs de limba latină. Ca element nou, în curtea Mănăstirii Franciscane, urmând aceeași temă a festivalului, vor fi organizate o serie de activități legate de școală și educație în mediu mănăstiresc (limba latină (cateheză), aritmetică, științele naturii, geografie, botanică) împreună cu prezentări de dansuri renascentiste. Evenimentul se va încheia cu un concert de muzică veche interpretată de Ansamblul Flauto Dolce și cu tradiționala paradă de torțe.


[HU] Az ötödik mikházi (Nyárádremete község, Maros megye) Római Fesztivál ebben az évben augusztus 12-én kerül megrendezésre. A látogatóknak lehetősége nyílik az interaktív műhelyekben való részvételre, melyek a Csűrszínház, illetve a Ferences kolostor udvarán lesznek elhelyezve. Megtekinthető lesz a TIME BOX pavilonokban található kiállítás, valamint a római katonai tábor parancsnoki épületében (principia) és a római fürdőben zajló régészeti feltárás is. A korábbi fesztiválokról ismert műhelyek és tevékenységek (katonai felvonulás, gladiátorharcok, tematikus kiállítások, római konyha, mozaikkészítés, mécses és terrakotta készítés, kovácsműhely, színház, fodrászat, szabóműhely stb.) mellett a fesztivál központi témája a gyerekkor és a nevelés lesz, melynek bemutatására különböző interaktív műhelyek és múzeumpedagógiai tevékenységek formájában kerül sor: római iskola, amulett készítő műhely, római játékok, latin nyelvű vetélkedő. Szintén újdonság lesz a Ferences kolostor udvarán zajló, hasonló tematikájú tevékenység, mely az iskolát és nevelést mutatja be a kolostori környezetben (latin nyelv (katekézis), számtan, természettudományok, földrajz, növénytan), valamint a reneszánsz táncbemutató. Az eseményt a Flauto Dolce Együttes régizene koncertje és a hagyományos fáklyás felvonulás zárja.


[EN] The fifth edition of the Roman and Renaissance Festival from Călugăreni (H: Mikháza; Eremitu, Mureș County) will be organized on the 12th of July 2017. The visitors will have the possibility to participate at the interactive workshops held in the courtyard of the Barn Theatre and at the Franciscan monastery, to visit the exhibitions in the TIME BOX pavilions as well as the ongoing archaeological excavations from the headquarters (principia) of the military fort and from the Roman bath house. Beside the workshops and activities already established in the former years (military parade, gladiator fights, thematic exhibitions, Roman kitchen, mosaic workshop, lamp and terracotta workshop, blacksmithing, theatre, hairdressing, tailor’s workshop etc.) the main topic of the festival will focus on childhood and education, which will be presented in the frame of several interactive workshops and museum pedagogical activities, like Roman school, amulet workshop, Roman games, Latin language contest. Another novelty will be represented by the activities on the same topic carried out in the courtyard of the Franciscan monastery, which will focus on school and education in the context of the monastic life (Latin language (catechesis), arithmetic, natural sciences, geography, and botany) and by the Renaissance dance show. The event will finish with the Early Music concert held by the Flauto Dolce Group and with the traditional torchlight parade.

Romanists are young forever!

The 11th Conference of Young Romanists was held between the 12th and 14th of May, where two members of the team were present. The event took place in Paks, in the vicinity of the famous Nuclear Power Plant of Hungary.

During the conference various topics from different fields of the Roman archaeological research were presented, like economy, religion, every day life, etc. The first section treated the questions of local production of different materials, imports, economical status of the different areas. In this block two cases from Roman Dacia were presented: glass production in the whole province and the pottery production on the eastern limes.

The three days of presentations were spiced by a visit to the Nuclear Power Plant and it’s museum and a wine tasting of the local breeds.


Buday Memorial Conference


Between the 16th and 18th of May,  a commemorative conference took place in Szeged (Hungary), in honour of two pioneers of the late 19th and 20th century humanities studies: Buday Árpád, historian  and archaeologist, and his son, Buday György, artist.

The first day was dedicated to Buday Árpád, who was born in Transylvania, first working in Cluj and later in Szeged. He was one of the main researchers of Roman epigraphy, Roman provincial archaeology and limes-research. An intriguingly interesting presentation was held by one of our team members about the experiences and research of Buday Árpád in Albania, on the territory of present day Kosovo. On the second day presentations about the life and work of Buday György were held . His work, having its roots in Transylvania and being also influenced by expressionism and folk elements, created a totally apart form of art, appreciated all over Europe.

The conference was culminated by a book presentation about the work of Buday György regarding architectural elements from Szeged and two exhibitions. One of the curators of the exhibition about Buday Árpád was our team member.



Museum pedagogy workshop on the 20th of May 2017, 11am-17pm at the exhibition halls of the Mureș County Museum from the Castle of Târgu Mureș

The purpose of the activities is to familiarize the public with different aspects related to childhood and education during the Roman period. The interactive thematic workshops and museum pedagogy activities, accompanied by explanatory panels, will focus on education and the every-day aspects of childhood: artefacts typical for children and their meaning, activities related to school and the way in which a Roman child could have acquired new knowledge. The visitors can directly participate in the activities and the workshops are opened to both children and adults.



Archaeologia Transylvanica Conference


Planned for the last weekend leading up to the Christmas Holidays, the three-day event entitled ‘Archaeologia Transylvanica’ is meant to signal the wrapping-up of the scientific activities for 2016 with a much anticipated book launching followed by a conference on various aspects of Prehistoric and Roman archaeology in Transylvania. The event will gather around 50 specialists in different fields pertaining to archaeology from Romaniaand abroad.

To see the programme click on the link: program-2

5th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry


Between the 25th and 28th of September, 2016 takes place the 5thBalkan Symposium of Archaeometry at the beautiful location of Sinaia, where of course the eastern limes of Dacia is also represented. Some of our colleagues have the chance to present here a poster about the interesting results of some archaeometallurgical measurements done on iron slags from the Roman sites of Brâncoveneşti, Călugăreni and Vătava.

The programme of the event is available here:

Aerial archaeology conference

customLogo.gifEven though we are pretty worked up at the excavation, the Roman sites of Mureș county cannot remain absent at the Annual Meeting of the AARG (Aerial Archaeology Research Group), held in Pilsen (CZ) between the 7th and 9th of September, 2016.

The topic is of course aerial archaeology, and we will be represented by one of our colleagues and Máté Szabó from the University of Pécs, who will present a poster entitled: The Roman military site from Sighișoara (Romania) – an aerial archaeological approach.

The programme of the event is available here:

4R Festival in Călugăreni

The Roman (and Renaissance) Festival in Călugăreni had surely become a tradition. Nor can we or the locals imagine a summer without it any more. And this year was again special. We had more visitors than ever before, more activities, more fun.

13975554_1774570146158830_2406232554420362011_oThere were legionaries fighting barbarians, gladiators against each other, but also lots of workshops, where anybody could try themself out, how the Romans made their lamps, mosaics, glass beads, perfumes and many, many more.

13937986_1774570826158762_5581764096624477881_oIf somebody wanted to rest a bit in all this time-travelling, near the monastery kind monks and nuns awaited for them to give a glimpse into the Renaissance way of life.

13909397_1774571279492050_6458614466405524964_oAnd the story about the whole day could go on and on, but why not come and see it for yourself next year?


13th of August: 4R Roman Festival!

Very soon, on the 13th of August, the village and archaeological site of Călugăreni will be full again with Roman soldiers, gladiators and plenty of cheerful slaves, happy to show you around the workshops bringing back the atmosphere of ancient times..
So be there or be square!


Watch the promo video for the 4R Roman Festival HERE!